
  • Visual Studio

    Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio 2008 or Visual Studio 2003

  • .NET Framework

    .NET Framework 1.1 Or Higher

Creating a Web Reference to Inbound Fax Delivery - Inbound Web Services Interface

Note that the following setup is based on Visual Studio 2010

  1. Right click on the project and select "Add Service Reference"

    add service reference
  2. Click "Advanced" button

    click advanced
  3. Click "Add Web Reference" button

    click add web referencepng
  4. Enter in the URL box:

    Click the GO Button to retrieve the web service information

    Change the Web Reference Name to something like: IWSServiceReference

    Click Add Reference

  5. The Web Reference will now show up in solution explorer as shown below.

    solution explorer web reference
  6. Finished. You are now ready to start coding against the Inbound Fax Delivery - Inbound Web Service Interface