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C# Copy imageCopy
using System;
using System.Net;
using IWSConsoleSample.IWSServiceReference;

namespace IWSConsoleSample
    class GetInboundItemListSampleClass
        public static void GetInboundItemListSample()
            string username = "mbxXXXXXXXX";
            string password = "XXXX";

            ///OAuth 2.0 Authentication Start, 
            ///Comment this block out if you are using username and password authentication
            // Get an access token from Concord Identity Server

            string endPoint = "";
            string grantType = "password";
            string scope = "IWS";
            string IWSClientId = "ConcordIWSClient";
            string IWSClientSecret = "";

            AccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequest = null;
            AccessTokenResponse accessTokenResponse = null;
            TokenManager tokenManager = new TokenManager(endPoint);

            accessTokenRequest = new AccessTokenRequest(
                clientId: IWSClientId,
                clientSecret: IWSClientSecret,
                username: username,
                password: password,
                grantType: grantType,
                scope: scope,
                redirectUri: null,
                code: null,
                refreshToken: null,
                state: null);

            ///OAuth 2.0 Authentication End

            using (IWSAuthWrapper ws = new IWSAuthWrapper())

                Authentication authentication = null;
                GetInboundItemListRequest request = null;
                GetInboundItemListResponse response = null;

                authentication = new Authentication();
                authentication.UserId = username;

                // Get an access token from Cache OR request one from the Identity Server
                accessTokenResponse = tokenManager.GetAccessToken(accessTokenRequest);

                if (accessTokenResponse == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to get an AccessToken, returned null");


                // Check to see if we failed to get an Access token via a Refresh token that has expired or been revoked, if so we need to re-authenticate
                if (accessTokenResponse.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest && accessTokenResponse.Error == "invalid_grant")
                    Console.WriteLine("Refresh token expired, attempting to get a new Access Token");
                    accessTokenResponse = tokenManager.GetAccessToken(accessTokenRequest, ignoreCache: true);

                if (accessTokenResponse.HttpStatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    Console.WriteLine("AccessToken not valid, Error Code: {0}, Error Description: {1}", accessTokenResponse.Error, accessTokenResponse.ErrorDescription);


                // User Name and Password authentication
                // authentication.Password = password;

                // OAuth 2.0 Authentication requires that you pass in an access token as part of the Authorization: header 
                // (No Password required)

                ws.AccessToken = accessTokenResponse.AccessToken;

                request = new GetInboundItemListRequest();
                request.MaxItems = 10;

                // Optional parameters that can be set. 
                // See GetInboundItemListRequst Object
                // for parameter details.

                // request.ArchivedItems;
                // request.Dnis;
                // request.StartDate;
                // request.EndDate;

                    response = ws.GetInboundItemList(authentication, request);

                    if (!response.Success)
                        bool requiresNewToken = false;

                        foreach (WSError error in response.Messages)
                            Console.WriteLine("Error retrieving fax document list. Error Code: {0} Error Description: {1}", error.ErrorCode, error.ErrorDescription);

                            if (error.ErrorCode == -486 && error.ErrorDescription == "Invalid access token") requiresNewToken = true;

                        // Check to see if response indicates access token has expired, if so attempt to Refresh or Get New OAuth access token and try method call again
                        if (requiresNewToken)
                            Console.WriteLine("AccessToken is not valid");

                            // Attempt to get a new access token or use a refresh token, if we fail we should stop
                            accessTokenResponse = tokenManager.GetAccessToken(accessTokenRequest);

                            if (accessTokenResponse == null)
                                Console.WriteLine("Failed to get an AccessToken, returned null");


                            if (accessTokenResponse.HttpStatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                                Console.WriteLine("AccessToken not valid, Error Code: {0}, Error Description: {1}", accessTokenResponse.Error, accessTokenResponse.ErrorDescription);



                    if (response.InboundItemCount < 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("No faxes returned");


                    Console.WriteLine("Number of faxes returned: " + response.InboundItemCount);

                    foreach (string inboundItemId in response.InboundItemIDs)
                        Console.WriteLine("InboundItemId: " + inboundItemId);

                    // The returned InboundItemId is then used to retrieve the message
                    // from the service using the GetInboundItemByID Method
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message);

                Console.WriteLine("Finished retrieving inbound item list");

See Also