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C# Copy imageCopy
using FaxWSConsoleApplication.FaxWSReference;
using System;
using System.Net;

namespace FaxWSConsoleApplication
    public static class GetFaxAccountSettingsClass
        const string oauthUrl = "";
        const string faxWSUrl = "";

        public static void GetFaxAccountSettings()
            string username = "mbxXXXXXXXX";
            string password = "XXXX";
            WSError wsError = null;
            ConcordAccount concordAccount = null;

            ///OAuth 2.0 Authentication Start, 
            ///Comment this block out if you are using username and password authentication
            // Get an access token from Concord Identity Server
            string grantType = "password";
            string scope = "FaxWS";
            string faxWSClientId = "A9F528F9-0000-4B70-0000-078C23030424-ConcordApiFaxWS";
            string faxWSClientSecret = "";

            AccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequest = null;
            AccessTokenResponse accessTokenResponse = null;
            TokenManager tokenManager = new TokenManager(oauthUrl);

            accessTokenRequest = new AccessTokenRequest(
                clientId: faxWSClientId,
                clientSecret: faxWSClientSecret,
                username: username,
                password: password,
                grantType: grantType,
                scope: scope,
                redirectUri: null,
                code: null,
                refreshToken: null,
                state: null);

            ///OAuth 2.0 Authentication End

            using(FaxWSAuthWrapper ws = new FaxWSAuthWrapper())
                ws.Url = faxWSUrl;

                    // Get an access token from Cache OR request one from the Identity Server
                    accessTokenResponse = tokenManager.GetAccessToken(accessTokenRequest);

                    if(accessTokenResponse == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to get an AccessToken, returned null");


                    // Check to see if we failed to get an Access token via a Refresh token that has expired or been revoked, if so we need to re-authenticate
                    if(accessTokenResponse.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest && accessTokenResponse.Error == "invalid_grant")
                        Console.WriteLine("Refresh token expired, attempting to get a new Access Token");
                        accessTokenResponse = tokenManager.GetAccessToken(accessTokenRequest, ignoreCache: true);

                    if(accessTokenResponse.HttpStatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        Console.WriteLine("AccessToken not valid, Error Code: {0}, Error Description: {1}", accessTokenResponse.Error, accessTokenResponse.ErrorDescription);


                    // User Name and Password authentication
                    //if (ws.GetFaxAccountSettings(username, password, out concordAccount, out wsError))

                    // OAuth 2.0 Authentication requires that you pass in an access token as part of the Authorization: header 
                    // (No Password required)

                    ws.AccessToken = accessTokenResponse.AccessToken;

                    if(!ws.GetFaxAccountSettings(UserID: username, strPIN: "", AccountInfo: out concordAccount, WSError: out wsError))
                        Console.WriteLine("GetFaxAccountSettings Failed");

                        Console.WriteLine("Error Code: {0} Error Description: {1}", wsError.ErrorCode, wsError.ErrorString);

                        // Check to see if response indicates access token has expired, if so attempt to Refresh or Get New OAuth access token and try method call again
                        if(wsError.ErrorCode == -5059)
                            Console.WriteLine("AccessToken is not valid");

                            // Attempt to get a new access token or use a refresh token, if we fail we should stop
                            accessTokenResponse = tokenManager.GetAccessToken(accessTokenRequest);

                            if(accessTokenResponse == null)
                                Console.WriteLine("Failed to get an AccessToken, returned null");


                            if(accessTokenResponse.HttpStatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                                Console.WriteLine("AccessToken not valid, Error Code: {0}, Error Description: {1}", accessTokenResponse.Error, accessTokenResponse.ErrorDescription);



                    Console.WriteLine("GetFaxAccountSettings succeeded");

                    Console.WriteLine("Default CSID: " + concordAccount.DefaultCSID);
                    Console.WriteLine("Send Delivery Confirmation: " + concordAccount.SendDeliveryConfirmation);

                catch(Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error while calling GetFaxAccountSettings : " + ex.Message);


Visual Basic Copy imageCopy
Imports System.Net
Imports FaxWSVBConsoleApplication.FaxWSReference

Namespace FaxWSVBConsoleApplication
    Friend Class GetFaxAccountSettingsClass
        Public Shared Sub GetFaxAccountSettings()
            Dim username As String = "mbxXXXXXXXX"
            Dim password As String = "XXXX"
            Dim wsError As WSError = Nothing
            Dim concordAccount As ConcordAccount = Nothing

            '' OAuth 2.0 Authentication Start, 
            '' Comment this block out if you are using username and password authentication
            ' Get an access token from Concord Identity Server

            Dim oauthUrl As String = ""
            Dim grantType As String = "password"
            Dim scope As String = "FaxWS"
            Dim faxWSClientId As String = "A9F528F9-0000-4B70-0000-078C23030424-ConcordApiFaxWS"
            Dim faxWSClientSecret As String = ""
            Dim accessTokenRequest As AccessTokenRequest = Nothing
            Dim accessTokenResponse As AccessTokenResponse = Nothing
            Dim tokenManager As TokenManager = New TokenManager(oauthUrl)
            accessTokenRequest = New AccessTokenRequest(clientId:=faxWSClientId, clientSecret:=faxWSClientSecret, username:=username, password:=password, grantType:=grantType, scope:=scope, redirectUri:=Nothing, code:=Nothing, refreshToken:=Nothing, state:=Nothing)

            '' OAuth 2.0 Authentication End

            Using ws As FaxWSAuthWrapper = New FaxWSAuthWrapper()

                    ' Get an access token from Cache OR request one from the Identity Server
                    accessTokenResponse = tokenManager.GetAccessToken(accessTokenRequest)

                    If accessTokenResponse Is Nothing Then
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to get an AccessToken, returned null")
                    End If

                    ' Check to see if we failed to get an Access token via a Refresh token that has expired or been revoked, if so we need to re-authenticate
                    If accessTokenResponse.HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest AndAlso Equals(accessTokenResponse.Error, "invalid_grant") Then
                        Console.WriteLine("Refresh token expired, attempting to get a new Access Token")
                        accessTokenResponse = tokenManager.GetAccessToken(accessTokenRequest, ignoreCache:=True)
                    End If

                    If accessTokenResponse.HttpStatusCode <> HttpStatusCode.OK Then
                        Console.WriteLine("AccessToken not valid, Error Code: {0}, Error Description: {1}", accessTokenResponse.Error, accessTokenResponse.ErrorDescription)
                    End If

                    ' User Name and Password authentication
                    'if (ws.GetFaxAccountSettings(username, password, out concordAccount, out wsError))

                    ' OAuth 2.0 Authentication requires that you pass in an access token as part of the Authorization: header 
                    ' (No Password required)

                    ws.AccessToken = accessTokenResponse.AccessToken

                    If Not ws.GetFaxAccountSettings(UserID:=username, strPIN:="", AccountInfo:=concordAccount, WSError:=wsError) Then
                        Console.WriteLine("GetFaxAccountSettings Failed")
                        Console.WriteLine("Error Code: {0} Error Description: {1}", wsError.ErrorCode, wsError.ErrorString)

                        ' Check to see if response indicates access token has expired, if so attempt to Refresh or Get New OAuth access token and try method call again
                        If wsError.ErrorCode = -5059 Then
                            Console.WriteLine("AccessToken is not valid")

                            ' Attempt to get a new access token or use a refresh token, if we fail we should stop
                            accessTokenResponse = tokenManager.GetAccessToken(accessTokenRequest)

                            If accessTokenResponse Is Nothing Then
                                Console.WriteLine("Failed to get an AccessToken, returned null")
                            End If

                            If accessTokenResponse.HttpStatusCode <> HttpStatusCode.OK Then
                                Console.WriteLine("AccessToken not valid, Error Code: {0}, Error Description: {1}", accessTokenResponse.Error, accessTokenResponse.ErrorDescription)
                            End If
                        End If

                    End If

                    Console.WriteLine("GetFaxAccountSettings succeeded")
                    Console.WriteLine("Default CSID: " & concordAccount.DefaultCSID)
                    Console.WriteLine("Send Delivery Confirmation: " & concordAccount.SendDeliveryConfirmation)

                Catch ex As Exception
                    Console.WriteLine("Error while calling GetFaxAccountSettings : " & ex.Message)
                End Try
            End Using
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

See Also